High Desert Happenings

High Desert visits Bradshaw Animal Shelter in S...
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates fresh 2nd Cut Timothy Hay to the Bradshaw Animal Shelter in Sacramento, CA
High Desert visits Bradshaw Animal Shelter in S...
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates fresh 2nd Cut Timothy Hay to the Bradshaw Animal Shelter in Sacramento, CA

High Desert visits Reno Rabbit Rescue
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates All-Natural 2nd Cut Timothy Hay to Reno Rabbit Rescue
High Desert visits Reno Rabbit Rescue
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates All-Natural 2nd Cut Timothy Hay to Reno Rabbit Rescue

High Desert visits the Nevada Humane Society
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates Timothy Hay for rabbits, guinea pigs, and small pets to the Nevada Humane Society in Reno and Carson City, NV.
High Desert visits the Nevada Humane Society
High Desert Small Animal Feed donates Timothy Hay for rabbits, guinea pigs, and small pets to the Nevada Humane Society in Reno and Carson City, NV.

Nutritional Tips For Young Bunnies, Chinchillas...
By following the advice in this blog post and feeding your young pets our premium alfalfa, you can help ensure that they are getting the best nutrition possible!
Nutritional Tips For Young Bunnies, Chinchillas...
By following the advice in this blog post and feeding your young pets our premium alfalfa, you can help ensure that they are getting the best nutrition possible!