The day was coming to a close and so was the Bradshaw Animal Shelter in Sacramento, CA when we finally pulled up after slogging through stop and go traffic on I-80; the kind which we don’t see east of the Sierras unless there is a semi-truck ahead of us tipped over in the middle of the road. The staff was friendly and helpful and the animals were all super cute and deserving of great homes!

The day we visited, there were 4 rabbits available for adoption and we learned that the shelter generally has 3-5 rabbits and guinea pigs there at any given time. However, a few months ago they had over 20 guinea pigs come to their shelter! With the help of the community and Gardner’s Pig Pen guinea pig rescue they were able to find homes for all of them.
Last year the Bradshaw Animal Shelter found homes for 74 rabbits and transferred 37 to rescues, SPCA’s, and other shelters. Other rescue partners such as FUR (Friends of Unwanted Rabbits) help them by holding adoption events and pulling rabbits into their program when they are able to.
One of those rabbits at the shelter was named Beauty and for good reason!

Beauty is a spayed female short-haired rabbit who is about 2 years old and weighs about 4.7 lbs. She has been at the shelter since October 4, 2022. She does not really like to be held because she finds that it can be a little scary, but she is a curious and friendly rabbit who does enjoy when you sit down next to her so she can explore and hang out with you on her own terms! Of course, this is only her behavior at the shelter—in a patient home environment with humans who she learns to trust, she will no doubt come out of her shell more and more!

If you are kind enough to open your home and accept Beauty into your family, her animal ID is A820355 and you can reach the Bradshaw Animal Shelter at 916-368-7387. If you do adopt her and reach out to us at High Desert Small Animal Feed with an update we will send you a complimentary box of our All-Natural Timothy Hay to help as she becomes acquainted with you and your family!