Reno Rabbit Rescue
Last weekend we also checked in with Reno Rabbit Rescue and dropped off 28 boxes of our All-Natural 2nd crop Timothy Hay and left some Alfalfa Pellets as a special treat for their foster bunnies!

Reno Rabbit Rescue is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to making a difference for pet rabbits in our community. They seek to place rabbits in safe inside homes, advocate for care, and educate people about these intelligent pets.
During our visit, we learned a couple of awesome things about Reno Rabbit Rescue and their passion for helping and saving rabbits. They recently rescued 24 rabbits from an animal hoarding case in Lassen County, and in doing so they accrued $800 in vet bills bringing the rabbits back to health and now they are in need of foster adopt homes. If you are looking to foster or adopt a rabbit this would be a great chance to help out! Contact Carly at Reno Rabbit Rescue for more information.
The next awesome thing we learned about Reno Rabbit Rescue is that they are putting on a Bunny Yoga fundraiser class on Sunday Dec 18 from 5-6pm at The Center self-care sanctuary. The cost is $25 to participate and this is your opportunity to relax and support a great cause at the same time!
Since we have the hay donation handled, the best way you can support Reno Rabbit Rescue is through cash donations for expenses and vet bills and/or by fostering or adopting a rabbit or two.
To further help out, we’ve created a link to our website where you can buy our hay for your small pets and 10% of the proceeds will be donated back to Reno Rabbit Rescue in support of their efforts and hard work helping and saving rabbits in the Reno-Tahoe area.
You can simply use promo code RRR10 at checkout as well.
For more information about Reno Rabbit Rescue you can find them online at www.renorabbitrescue.org and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/renorabbitrescue